The Value of Team Building at Conferences
The value of staging a quality team building activity at a conferences is now widely accepted amongst major Blue Chip companies such as Aon, McDonalds, Coca Cola, Uniliver and many more.
The reason for this is that a quality shared experience when correctly inserted into a conference agenda accelerates face to face networking in a way that no powerpoint, keynote or opening video can ever do.
Humans are neurologically wired to be social animals, and interactive contact with others in novel situations is still the most effective way to establish lasting bonds between people.
Quite often effective conference team activities will have themes that can assist in framing the team challenges and obtaining genuine buy-in from participants. If the event is not framed and introduced well, understandable cynicism for the team building process can ensue.
The cynicism for conference team building usually arises from previous poor experiences with stereotypical "string and bucket games", "treasure hunts" or poorly facilitated knock-offs of reality TV shows.
When a professional provider helps a client select the right activity to match the culture of the group, theme of the conference and the venue then there is a far gretare chance of success.
An effective business game, simulation or challenge can add lasting value to a conference and help to establish lasting bonds between participants.