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Team Building Direct is the budget brand of the world-renowned company Sabre Corporate Development (est. 1988).

With considerable experience going all the way back to 1988, Sabre Corporate Development was keen to establish a "budget brand".
Sabre gave very careful consideration to the three distinct levels within the market.
Tier 1 - High end and heavily tailored team and leadership development solutions.
Tier 2 - Fun and interactive team building programmes, but with high level sophistication and complexity.
Tier 3 - Recreational and low-level team building events aimed more at interactivity and fun.
With Sabre increasingly designing and catering for the higher level Tier 1 and 2 styles, it was deemed time to create a venture that could cater to conference and incentive based Tier 3 events.
Thus Team Building Direct has been designed primarily to provide PA's and EA's with simple, affordable and packaged solutions for their team building needs.
Of course the full Sabre team and repertoire is readily available for your higher-level needs.
To see more about Sabre, visit the main team building directory website at www.TeamBuildingSabre.com.au