CALL US: 1300 731 381
Belbin Australia
Would you like to get to the bottom of what really makes your team tick?
Sabre Corporate Development (TBD's parent company) are an Official Belbin Australia Rep and can offer the full range of Belbin Australia products and services including...
Belbin profiles via working account or bureau service
Belbin reports
Offciial 2 Day Belbin Accreditation Courses
Full sale, service and support of all Belbin products and approaches
Belbin consulting for team and leadership development
The Belbin Team Role Model is a world class tool for profiling teams and leaders to identify behaviour, operating methods, strengths, weaknesses and biases.
It can be utilised for ...
Team Building and Team Development
Leadership Development
Conflict Resolution
As an aid to recruiting
Career path planning
Personal development
... and much more.
Feel free to call us on 1300 731 381 or to email us...
To find out more feel free to check out the Sabre Belbin website at www.TeamRolesAustralia.com.au